(Formerly Salem County Arts in Bloom)
Mark November 16 & 17 on your calendar to join us for our Holiday Artisans Show. We will have over 40 artisans together for two days in one location – the Salem County Vocational Technical School.
Click here for General Information

The Salem County Art Tour hosts two events annually. The first is our spring tour where artists from all over Salem County share their studios with the public for a two-day, county-wide event. This free two-day art event spans many locations throughout Salem County, NJ (towns such as Alloway, Elmer, Lower Alloways Creek, Monroeville, Pedricktown, Pennsville, Pittsgrove, Salem, and Woodstown).
The second event is our Holiday Artisans Show where we have over 40 artisans together in one location for two days.
Support the arts in Salem County, by supporting the tour. All supporters will be recognized on our website and event brochure. Again this year, all supporters of $250 or more will have an ad in the brochure and on the website. plus, your location will be marked on the brochure map and Google map for the event.